Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ten Things You Should Know About Me

1. I love to travel.
2. I speak decent French and would love to learn Italian.
3. I think going on an unplanned, unexpected road trip would be so fun!
4. I love to run and use it as a stress reliever. If I don't run, I get kind of cranky.
5. My middle name is Rose.
6. I am Irish, British, Scottish and German.
7.  I am pretty athletic and have tried a ton of sports! My least favorite was basketball while my favorite was rock climbing.
8. I'm a middle child.
9. I prefer to have a small group of best friends than a large group of people who are just good friends.
10. I think Summer nights spent by a campfire are the best.


  1. Summer night campfires are DEFINITELY the best! And I really like your middle name, it's really pretty :)

  2. I would definitely have to agree with you onthe road trip, i love things like that

  3. Summer campfires is how i spent my whole summer,and im a middle child to.

  4. I would kind of like to go on an unplanned road trip too. I feel like it would be really fun.

  5. you're so unique! i've always wanted to do the road trip for sure. i might get a group of friends and do it this summer! just drive until something interesting pops up hehe :)
