Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Finances

- Budget
I do not have any set budget. I guess my only goal in regards to that is to not max out my jacket express money.
- More or Less Money
So far this semester, I've spent less than I thought I would. At first, I thought I would be going over to the Union all the time to buy food, but then I got lazy. So I have definitely spent less.
- Most Money Spent On
Changing Spending Habits
- I don't think I need to change my spending habits. This could change by the end of the year when I start to get low on money, but as of right now I don't feel like there is a need to. When it comes to spending money, I've been pretty consistent from week to week. As long as this doesn't change, I should be fine.

1 comment:

  1. Same here with the no budget, I think that way's better actually, less stress that way
